Q:  Where do I send my annual dues?

A: New option coming soon, you can Venmo your annual dues directly to us!!!

A:  P.O. Box 38  Pelham, AL 35124

Q:  When are my annual dues late?

A:  The annual dues are due each year on January 1 and are considered late on March 31.

Q:  What are my dues used for?

A:  The dues cover landscaping at the entrance, the empty lot on Meadow View Circle, and around the guard rail.  Dues also pay for water and electricity at the entrance.  Dues pay for the PO Box.  Currently Ivy Brook has bills from Alabama Power, City of Pelham Water Works, Landscaping, Lawn Maintenance, and USPS for PO Box.  Dues are also being used to cover costs for community activities.

Q:  How do I report a street light that is out?

A:  Please contact Alabama Power at http://www.alabamapower.com or 1-800-888-2726 choose option #3 and you must provide the street address and location of the light.

Q:  Where can a copy of the covenants or by-laws be located?

A:  They are on the website under about us.  They can also be located on Nextdoor Ivy Brook.

Q:  Are renters required to follow the covenants?

A:  Yes.